December, a second Christmas without my Dad, but thanks to Carole, Mark and Connor, me and my mum had a great time at the Whittons.

The month ended with me starting on my bathroom, not just redecorating, but the ripping out of the existing suite and a new one put in its place, well not exactly, shower has gone, bath now resides and sink is in new place. Remind me, when starting a job like this one, to get some help. Michelle did help me at one point while she was spending Christmas over here, and so an extra pair of hands came in most usefull. Much curry was consumed of the takeaway kind while she was here and a night out in Whalley was executed, but it being the eve of new years eve the pubs closed early, even the Napier had closed its doors and a reasonable time, but that did not stop me and Michelle, back to my house for more beer and a piss poor attempt at Guitar Hero before pouring her into a taxi home.
Treated myself to a new camera as well, a lovely digital SLR, now to work out how to use it.....