Saturday, 28 August 2010

42nd Birthday

This year as it would be my 42nd birthday it was decided that I would have some kind of do, that do being a fancy dress do, and a do to be held at St Albans club in Blackburn. Some people did ask, why 42, and the obvious reply was, well it's the meaning of life isn't it. To which I would be issued with a puzzled look and a brief shaking of the head. Many of my friends embraced the idea and came in some kind of Pythonesque attire, even Michelle flew over from Spain for the weekend, just to join in with the crazyness.

As the venue had to close around midnight, and not wanting to transform into pumpkins, we ventured into the night and sought refuge in a local drinking establishment, The Napier. A few heads were turned, but some patrons saw the joke and kindly got into the spirit of it all. In all a splendid night was had by all, a few old faces made their current faces visible. Images of such have been digitally captured for posterity and made available by the wiggle and click of a plastic mouse.

Thanks to all those who made it a night to remember.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Yorkshire Sculpture Park August 25th 2010

Well considering I have 2 weeks off for my summer holidays, and a car in which I can drive to places, I decided to go visit something. Gillian had mentioned she had visited this place recently and suggested I should go and take my camera with me. So off I went, guided by my sat nav, having great day, with plenty of walking and wonderous sculpture to behold.

Yorkshire Sculpture Park Website - Here

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Kasia is going home

As with most things, they have to come to an end, and so Kasia has decided to go back to Poland. A job opportunity has arisen and it would be foolish to pass up such a great offer, sure beats what she had been doing for the last few weeks. It's just a pity that the weather had not been that good, and chances of outings being few and infrequent, but despite that we did get out a few times, and obviously a few pics taken to document the occasions.

Corporation Park June 20th

Corporation Park July 4th

Entwistle Reservoir July 30th

And so on Saturday 31st July I drove Kasia to Liverpool Airport for her flight home. It was wonderful having her here, and to stay at my house for the duration. Both me and my cat Q kinda got used to her being around, but alas she has gone home, hope all goes well in her new job and she gets a nice flat, well it will give me somewhere to stay when I go and visit.