Monday, 21 February 2011

A Whalley Weekend

It was one of those few occasions that we all got together, usually when someone visits us who doesn't live here anymore. On this occasion the Plirsty's had made the trip up north to visit family and friends. So a meeting was to be arranged and a public house drank in.

The pub in question was to be the Bull's Head, as it was local to many of those meeting there, relatively. Those attending drank beer and conversed, those not we had no idea. But a surprise was in store, that being the arrival of Sharon, who had not ventured out for a few drinkies for quite some time. Shock followed awe and more drink consumed.

Those attending this evening being Woody, Kieran, Sharon, Pla, Kirsty, Lee and eventually Sandra. She having a late excuse having a prior engagement at an amateur production of Oklahoma.

The following day and we completed our Whalley Weekend with a wander around Spring Wood in Whalley. Good intentions and bad heads began this meanderings, but ill and chilly winds prevented a good stomping, so hot chocolate and coffee was to be drank in a more sheltered environment.

Playgrounds were sought out by those less equipped with age and sensiblility. The ill and chilly winds caught up with us yet again, and so endeth the Whalley Weekend.