manchester academy december 9th 2004Not having seen the Cardiacs for quite some time i was looking foward to it, especially as earlier that day i was in Barcelona visiting friends, so it was going to be an eventful evening to a long day.
Gladly my band of choice did not dissapoint.
A new guitarist had joined the ranks, and was filling a well worn pair of shoes as though he had bought them for himself. As for the choice of songs they played, well, a history lesson in the bizarre word that the Cardiacs inhabit was on the cards this evening.
A veritably well ticked dance card of old favourites was presented to a confused audience, as the Cardiacs were the support act for another, namely The Wildhearts, so the audience was not fully their own, but a gentle nudge in the right areas, and the fish in the pond were well and truely swimming in delight.
Out came all the classic tunes, some, as far as i know, had not seen the light of day for many many a year, but sounding as fresh as the daisy that adorned many a convert in the crowd. Tim loved us all, Tim loved his brother Jim, and we all loved them back.
But all good things must come to an end, and the end it did come, pity.
Watched the Wildhearts for a couple of songs, but no comparison.
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