For the second year in a row, I am off to Barcelona to spend Christmas with my good friend Michelle, but first i must get there, and thats where the fun begins. It's The usual case, up early, taxi to airport, check in, go through security and fly away. Today is slightly different, everything follows it's usual plan up until I have to go through security, whereupon I find that everyone has arrived here at the same time and the queue is somewhat large. The queue itself snakes all around the shopping area right upto the crossover corridor to terminal 3. From start to finally exiting security takes over an hours and a half, and just as I emerge my flight had been called to gate and so I must continue forth, on the way purchasing a tiny bottle of water, phew.
It's just a pity that the orderly queue is not an Olympic sport, for we British would be world beaters, even if it was a disorderly freestyle queueing event. No one appeared to be stressed, and as with all events, Olympic standard have to be maintained, and so there are invigilators patroling this event as it happens, armed with clipboards ensuring that all is right and proper. All the while informing prospective flyers that they may need to leave this queue and perform an individual event, that being, the rush to gate your flight is about to board manouver. Marks out of ten 7.98.

Shopping for me is usually a routine trot around the supermarket, picking up all the usual items i usually get as quickly as possible and then beat a hasty retreat out of there. But here in Spain it is oh so opposite, firstly I have no idea where anything is, and secondly quite a lot of the items are somewhat different from back home. So it's quite an eye opener as to what you can find. For those who have watched the original Dawn Of The Dead, remember the supermarket sequence, I am one of the undead, wandering around aimlessly staring at the myriad of items. One thing stood out for me, or rather it was led down, vacuum packed piglets. You could imagine them being displayed in the Tate as some kind of Damien Hurst-esque exhibit. So with a trolly well filled and our bellies awaiting to be filled by the trolly contents, payments must be made and an escape performed, with a multipack of delicious Jammon to take home with me securely jammed under my arm.

So with the repair work done my attention was turned to stockpilling the logs for combustion. Many trips up and down the steps, avoiding the odd land mine (dog poo), and a more the adaquate pile became piled. Time to relax, beer food and Playstation.
This became the routine for the next few days, punctuated with a few dog walks in the local park, and a quick and rather dissapointing trip into the village of Masquefa.
Michelle had been informed by the local post office that she had parcels to retrieve, and so asked if they would be open on christmas eve to come and collect them, the reply to this was in the affirmative, ans so off we trotted on christmas eve to hunt down sprouts that brussle and parcels to pick up.

So this constant is the official who said one thing but meant another. Thus trapping wanted presents inside the office of post. For a brief moment I thought I saw a flash of Hulk green pass over Michelles eyes, as anger and frustration caused her to go rather quiet, then seething transformed into ranting, breaking the quiet storm brewing inside her.
Only an afternoon coffee, croissant and Star Trek pilot DVD could put a dent into this raging torrent. For this office of post is the same office of post in many countries, unreliable, untrustworthy and unbelievable.
Christmas day passed without a hitch, only without any sprouting brussels. These had to be replaced by asparagus and artichokes (a poor substitute, but mighty tasty). Michelle prepared a most wonderful array of foods, combining a tradition English with a twist of Spanish, all gobbled down with a nice Riocha (10 years), and on the TV we had Tinman (new reworking of the Wizard of Oz). Rest of the day was spent digesting this grand feast, allowing room for a couple of mince pies with custard, with plenty of beer and much Playstation.

Following this we gathered ourselves in the living room and sat in an orderly fashion around 2 tables and consume soup, meat in sauce and a final course of Bingo. Unfortunately my Spanish still has not improved, so conversations were brief and pigeon in form, but I was made very welcome and will strive to improve for hopefully a next time.
It was then back to Michelle's for beer and more playstation.
The day following Boxing Day was to be my last day, and a small errand had to be performed on the way to the airport. This was to rescue the trapped presents from the office of post. My Spanish is poor at best, but I got what Michelle was saying to the person behind the counter, it was rather heated but yet she kept her cool. Fortunately all was resolved and we were able to go our merry way, with letters galore we were off the the airport, for me to fly home.
Here endeth my Christmas trip to Barcelona 2007
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