- taxi to airport
- check in
- security
- flight ok, land barcelona
- michelle working, make own way to sabadell
- free train to barcelona from airport
- cheap train barcelona to sabadell
- taxi, station to airport
- text michelle have arrived
- drink beer on veranda, read book in sun, turn pink
- michelle finished work, exchange greetings and hugs
- go shopping
- have food, eat, chat and drink
- michelle working, day to self
- shower, sun cream, still pink from yesterday
- walk to masquefa, train to barcelona
- arrive city, metro to columbus statue
- walk along beach, eat food
- walk up ramblers, take pictures 0f living statues, make donations
- metro to sagrada familia, more photographs
- train back to sabadell
- out for meal with mathew and guy from lufthansa, all paid by top fly
- home, beer
- belly dancing class, read book while waiting outside
- local market, buy new white shirt
- home, eat, watch F1 qualifying
- michelle go to extra belly dancing workshop
- make food, eat, more beer
- very early start
- load car, drive to circuit
- unload, find good spot to sit
- meet up with vanessa (michelle workmate)
- 1st race - formula renault, practice high speed photography
- 2nd race - GP2 - more practice speedy photography
- 3rd race - porsche - even more practice, have it now
- drivers procession, parade lap, hamilton booed
- race starts, hamilton overcooks it, spanish cheer
- more photo's getting good at it now
- heiki crashes close to us, little scary, he is okay
- 3.15 alonso retires from race, small english cheer
- lots spanish go home
- race finish, hamilton not win, but points finish
- small picnic after race, go home
- rewatch race on video, beer, sleep
- lazy day
- dog walking
- little shopping
- eat, drink, laze about
- diy day
- michelle working
- do odd jobs around house
- secure single bed in small room
- fix gutter on patio
- fix washing hanger in house
- get barked at by dogs all day
- plenty cups tea
- enjoy sunshire
- michelle home, eat drink be merry
- up early
- goto airport
- fly home
- taxi
- curry
- end