Kieran had decided he wanted to celebrate his 40th by walking up Pendle Hill and being one who enjoys a good walk, I would accompany him along with Sandra T, and Jos, little Robin and Holly the dog.
After being picked up we proceeded to Kieran's for a quick cooing over baby Taliah, a quick hello to Sharon and a handing over of presemts to Kieran. Not his birthday for a few days, so was under instruction not to open until the correct day. His present from me being a miniature Jimmy Page double neck Gibson guitar.
So off we did trot, walk and be carried.

For most of the day the weather stayed fine, that was until Jos and Sandra headed back, whist me and Kieran with Holly continued upwards and onwards. The sky turned black and we got a soaking. Despite that the summit was spectacular, with views all over Lancashire. Descending back into the village via the rocky steps was somewhat akin to Frodo and Sam taking the ring to Mount Doom, only we were heading back, and are real people and not characters from a book.

We returned to the car park only to see little Robin chasing ducks, trying to feed them. Eventually he gave up and ate the bread himself. Kieran headed home with Holly, and I got a lift back with Jos and Sandra, stopping breifly at my house to have a quick look at my much improved yard / garden.
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