It had been Adam's birthday the other week, but he had just driven back from Poland, he had not had chance to mark it. So he wanted to consume beer and enjoy good company. I obviously said no to this and instead have a BBQ. This prompted a reply in the affirmative and pland became an appendage. I was to make my now infamous curried chicken, and Adam, Kasia, Kasia would supply the Polish sausage. My yard would be the venue, all we needed was good weather.

Unfortunately the forcast was not inspiring, but we would go ahead anyway. We had arranged to meet at maybe around 3pm so it gave me enough time to nip into town and aquire a few extras. So there i was, middle of town loaded with stuff, and my phone goes, it's Kasia. 'We are at the Polish shop and will be round in 20mins'. Bugger, they are early, so gadget skates on, time to head home. Good job i live but a hop skip and a jump away from the town centre.

Managing to get home before the others, quickly i prepare a little salad to compliment all the meat we are to consume, chill the beer and arrange seats. Man make fire, man is good.
Today there will be no need for the chimnea, as it's a glorious day, hardly a cloud in the sky. Everyone arrives and the eating begins. With us today is Adams girlfriends brother Grzegorz, soon to be a member of the 'Woody's curried chicken' fan club. No hitches occur all day, beer is plentiful, music is randomized and food consumed with gusto. As it is Adam's birthday celebration, he is given the first curried chicken and we fight over the remainder. Happy birthday is sung and a makeshift icecream/cake/candle, is produced and blown out.

As is becoming a tradition, out come the wigs and hillarity. Shutters are shut in plentiful numbers and subsequent images are bound to digital pixels to be reviewed later. As Kasia (Adam's) is with child she retires earlier than the rest of us, who welcome the darkness with solar powered illumination.

The next day brings more sunshine and an opportunity to consume leftovers. Unforrtunately no chicken, but a few sausages. So the BBQ is relit and the weekend continues with those who either did not manage to get home, and those who returned for seconds.
And that pretty much marked the end of july.
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