So here we are again, twice in the same year, what is going on you may ask, well the answer is really quite simple. My good friend Kasia, had invited her friend Jola to England for a few months and so we decided to treat her to a visit to Blackpool. Is this really a treat? Well for someone who had never experienced the tackyness that is the pool of black, seeing is believing.

Fingers were crossed that the weather would be good, for the majority of this summer we have not had many days of sun, you could probably count them on Beadles stunted fingers. But hope springs eternal, and we were gifted with a clear day, hurrah for us. So off we went, bumped on our way on Englands wonderful train network, and arrived in that pool of black and began our day of fun.

First port of call was to see the sea, and then the wanderings began. Beach based meanderings, and donkey spotting followed, and was ended at this stage with a beer on a pier. Feeling hungry we backtracked to Harry Ramsdens for traditional fish and chips, and another beer. Two surprises here, first being that you can have a beer with your food, and secondly that we would be served by Polish waitresses, for both Kasia and Jola are Polish also.

Bellies full it was time to roll those balls again and race the horses. Many games later Kasia emerged victorious, and was rewarded with a stuffed purple rabbit. More meanderings followed and retreatings to another pier for more beer and watch the sunset. Braving the chilly evening air no more, we headed inside to finish our beer before heading back for our return journey and to gaze longingly at the pretty lights. It is just a pity we only had a short time to look at the illuminations, but we did have a train to catch.

Our cameras had been clicking and shuttering all day, so it was a relief to sit down on yet another prime example of Englands train network, and bump our way home. I think that may be it for Blackpool this year, but you never know, it may have a third visit in the pipeline, who knows.
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