Carole, Mark and Connor would be joining myself and my mum at my mums to celebrate this year, Mark had expressed his intent to cook dinner, and so with no argument from the rest of us, his duties were allocated. No sooner had he arrived, he set to work, it was then up to the rest of to make sure we all had enough to drink, and open presents.

Mark busied himself with food preparation and soon the table was laid and filled with an assortment of festive foodstuffs. Roast parsnips, sprouts, roast spuds, carrots, turkey, sausage in bacon and champagne. Toasts were made to us all and my late father, even Connor was allowed a small glass of champagne. My dads last bottle of red wine opened and was quickly consumed, hmmmm, good choice pops.

No sooner that we had started eating, it was all over with, crackers pulled, dodgy jokes told and strange gifts puzzled over. The table was then removed and the grand sitting began. Christmas TV does not improve with age, but selectively it has its high points. Couple hours later more food is laid out for us to gorge ourselves, more wine is drunk, and we are also.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas, bring on 2009
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