Saturday, 2 May 2009

Ojos De Brujo - Liverpool Philarmonic May 1st 2009

My friend Michelle informed me a few weeks ago the Ojos De Brujo would be playing near Barcelona in june, like the cat curiosity guided my mouse via the interweb and I found that Ojos De Brujo would be performing in Liverpool at the beginning of having survived (unlike the cat) I booked tickets for me and Peter.

Slowly the days passed until at last we ventured forth to that pool of liver to behold the magnificence that is Ojos De Brujo. Unfortunately we arrived a few minutes late and the band had already started, but no matter we were here and that's all that mattered.

New tracks mixed with old, old tracks remixed for a live performance. The audience encouraged to release themselves from the confined of booked seats and to strut, boogie and jiggle about in rhythmical formation infront of the stage. we just sat in wonderment at this spectacle on the balcony, as it afforded us a great view and sound.

Ojos De Brujo performed a short first set, had an interval and returned to bemuse amuse and infuse us some more. They are able to fuse so many different types of music, all with an effortless complexity, and expertise it possitively blows the mind. How many more rhythms can you fit into one song, and still they would add more.

So in all we had a great night. On returning to Blackburn it was decided we sould venture forth into the night and consume beer, and so we did.

click here for more pictures

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