Saturday, 26 January 2013

D is for Decay - Week 4 - The Alphabetical Photographical Eneavour

Here is week the forth, Decay

yes this my tooth, and no it's not real blood

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Yet another update

Another visit to the doctors resulted in great news, my blood is almost back to normal, that is apart from my iron reserves they are not at first team strength. All being said, I have to continue with the iron tablets until they run out, help boost those reserves, and maintain the Zantac routine of 2 a day for the foreseeable future. The ulcer is still there, but not bugging me as much, time and time will be the measure of how much it will heal, just as long as I don't eat the wrong things.

Still devoid of the spicy niceyness who goes by the name of curry, a few beers now and then and no chillies. So apart from that life is returning to normal, back to the gym, try to get fit again. Managed to put on not too many kilo's while recouperating, but it still has to come off. Work is still what it is, almost seems like it never happened sometimes, until my alarm goes off to remind me to take my tablets.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

B is for Bulbous - Week 2 of The Alphabetical Photographical Endeavour

Here we are week 2 on my photographic project, a bit of a strange one this week, Bulbous.

Monday, 7 January 2013

A is for Austerity - Week 1 of the Alphabetical Photographic Endeavour

Here are the results of the first week of my latest photographical project. All week people had been suggesting words for me to interpret and take pictures.

This week the word was Austerity

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

New Year and Update

Here it is, a new year, I could say that I hope it's better than the last one, but 2012 was ok, ended a bit weird for me but I seem to be on the mend. The last week has been relatively grumble free, maybe the new drugs are having an effect on that, large dose of Zantac twice a day is keeping the doctor away. 

Still missing the curry, not going to chance it for a while, have had a few beers over the Christmas period, but too many, and my stomach seemed to manage them ok. Back to work tomorrow, that should be interesting considering some attitudes towards my absenteeism over the last month and a half, but will probably have to have a chat with some people to set them straight and what I will be capable of for the foreseeable future.

Have started a new photography project via Facebook, to take pictures during the week based upon a single word. Hopefully people will continue to send in suggestions for me to choose from, or allow a certain degree of democracy to choose one for me. Anyway the results of what I manage will be posted here as well, so keep an eye out for them. The words of the week will be in alphabetical order, so obviously I am starting at the beginning with 'A'.

So the word for this week is - Austerity.

Wish me luck ;)